Healing for the Soul

About Tessa Jonassen

Embracing The Joy Of Leading A Soul Led Life

Having spent many, many years in the corporate world in a diverse range of roles and professions it became apparent that to keep my sanity and stress levels at bay I needed to find support. This was amplified with the constant juggling of career, raising two now adult sons as well as trying to have some sort of meaningful personal relationships and a social life. At times I felt overwhelmed physically, mentally and emotionally. I knew I had to find a way to bring more balance and harmony into my life and make significant changes.

Help came in 2007 when I discovered First Light® flower essences and Reiki and immediately embraced the many benefits that these natural therapies brought to positively change my life. I began to feel calmer, more confident and connected to my internal world. I connected more deeply with my heart and soul. I would say that 2007 was the year that life changed for the better for me, and for my family.

From personal experience and from seeing so many of my colleagues, friends and peers, and in particular women struggle, I felt the pull to assist others who were drawn to finding a more natural way of addressing stress, exhaustion, emotional pain and the multitude of challenges that are ever present in modern day life.

So Harmonia came into being and I have been assisting clients for over 15 years to embrace the healing power of nature and transform their lives and live the life that they desire. During this time I qualified as a life coach and with my fascination of the body mind connection, and my love of receiving reflexology, I also qualified in this highly effective and deeply nurturing healing modality.

I continue to embrace the joy of leading a soul led life which has totally transformed my life, and I am here to help you to transform your life.

I offer a collection of highly effective and soul based services providing women (and often their husbands, partners and other family members) with a space where they can rest, relax and allow their body, mind, emotions and spirit self to be healed and restored.

I welcome, help, and support clients who wish to improve and enhance their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

I love to help those women and their family who wish to be deeply nourished and re-connect with their soul self, find their true essence, enhance their intuition and connect with their inner wisdom. This pathway is a soulful pathway of empowerment and love.

With a kind and gentle approach I provided sacred space for clients to feel at ease tailoring each session to each person’s individual needs.

You may be drawn to a Reiki Energy Healing session, or perhaps you enjoy the more physical touch of Holistic Reflexology, either way you will have the opportunity to connect with your soul self and leave feeling more energised, balanced and complete.

HypnoSuccess® Life Coaching for the Soul is ideal if you are looking for a pathway to totally transform the way you are currently living to one of living the life that you desire at a soul level. This unique healing modality incorporates hypnotherapy and soul centered life coaching for extra ordinary results.

My Bottle of Goodness flower essence blends are available to support you during and after your healing session or can be a stand alone therapy.

In recent years I have trained as an Esoteric Soul Centered Hypnotherapist and I offer a number of single session and multliple session programs to address soul loss, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD and moral injury. Details can be found on this website Soul Healing Hypnotherapy

If you are uncertain about which session would best suit your needs then please send me a note either by text or email and we can discuss what therapy would be best for you.

I am here to help you and am happy to answer your questions.

With love

The Healing Qualities Of Plants and Nature

From a young child I have been drawn to flowers and the magic and beauty that they hold so it has been a natural progression to include flower essences and essential oils into my basket of knowledge and healing offerings. You could say that I feel at home with plants and it is interesting to note that traditional healer shamans always worked with plants for a healing outcome. Both flower essences and essential oils truly nurture and nourish the soul and it is my experience, and the experience of my clients, that these special flower essence remedies and essential oils enhance both Reiki Energy Healing and Holistic Reflexology.  My Bottle of Goodness personalised Flower Essence Blends created with award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are available as a stand alone therapy to support you through all of life’s ups and downs.

Professional Qualifications

Tessa Jonassen is a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner and a fully qualified Reflexologist holding a Diploma in Reflexology. She is also a certified Reiki Practitioner and Life Coach and holds a diploma from the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy in Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® and practises as a hypnotherapist. Details can be found on Harmonia’s sister website Soul Healing Hypnotherapy

Her past and ongoing professional development includes regular attendance of First Light® Flower essence workshops as well as ongoing studies with The Medicine Woman Centre of Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®. She holds certificates in the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons®, Medicine Woman Healers Studies® and Medicine Woman Shamanic Studies® and has completed the course work for the Medicine Woman Certificate of Advanced Shamanic Studies® and  holds a certificate for the Rite of the Twelve Celestial Regents®. Tessa has completed the Ritual of the Twelve Gates© – An Alchemical Journey Through the Emerald Tablet to Return to the Goddess.


Take a slow deep breath and relax. You have arrived at a place where help is on hand. I can help you navigate the stresses of modern day life. You will discover a pathway to re-connect with yourself at a soul level and be empowered to lead a vibrant and soul led life.  ~ Tessa Jonassen 

Contact Harmonia

Tessa Jonassen

Athenree, Waihi Beach

Western Bay of Plenty, 3177

+64 21 030 8224

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