Soul Talk

Conversations With Soul

Conversations With Soul

Conversations With Soul - My Compass For Truth Everyone can have an individual relationship with soul and develop a framework of how soul speaks to them. Soul may speak to us in words, images, patterns, colours, symbols, sensations, and feelings. It can be rather like...

Are You Connected To Your Mars Energy?

  Are You Connected to Your Mars Energy?   When I discovered that the days of the week are related to seven planets in our solar system some pennies began to drop. This relationship with the planets can, and often does, have an impact on how we may feel on...

Is What Is In Your Cup Serving You?

Is What Is In Your Cup Serving You?

Is What Is In Your Cup Serving You?   As I have been navigating the last 6 weeks of 'lockdown' here in Auckland my cup has at times not been as full as I would have liked it to be. And sometimes the content of my cup hasn't been particularly tasty or nourishing....

All Awash With Emotions

All Awash With Emotions

All Awash With Emotions   Do you have days when you feel awash with emotions, but can’t quite figure out why you feel off kilter? A little bit sad or angry or just feeling out sorts? We feel out of balance and can't quite get a grip on the day. I woke up today...

Endings Can Lead To New Ways Of Living

Endings Can Lead To New Ways Of Living

Endings Can Lead to New Ways of Living Today the the structures that I have had in place during the Level 4 and Level 3 lockdown periods in New Zealand are beginning to crumble as businesses are locating back to their physical premises. This will include yoga studios...

The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

Thoughts On The Rhythm of Life Do you find that each day has its own rhythm and sometimes we are in synch with that rhythm and other days we are out of step? Do you find that it is harder to find your rhythm on somedays more than others? This morning as I stood before...

Inspire Joy In Your Soul

Inspire Joy In Your Soul

It is early morning, a light dew on the grass sparkles in the sunlight, the birds in the surrounding trees are singing their song and the hum of bees is in the air, all signalling that a new day has begun. A new day, a new beginning, a fresh start. This scene feels...

Listening To My Soul Self To Find Joy

Listening To My Soul Self To Find Joy

Listening To My Soul Self to Find Joy For several weeks, or perhaps even months, I have been feeling boxed in. This could have been because in Auckland, New Zealand, we have been in winter and hibernation mode and I have spent a lot of time indoors. However, even on...

Nature As Our Teacher

Nature As Our Teacher

Having  recently written about Sister Loyola and the profound, but simple teachings, that shone through her in the documentary ‘Gardening with Soul’, this month my attention has been drawn to an Aboriginal Elder – Max Dulumunmum Harrison know by all as Uncle Max. I...

Contact Harmonia

Tessa Jonassen

Athenree, Waihi Beach

Western Bay of Plenty, 3177

+64 21 030 8224

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